Yamaha LPX510 Review
Utilizing High Resolution LCD Technology, the LPX-510 Provides Excellent Performânce with Flexible Installâtion Capability. Film-Like Quality with Yamaha Naturâl Black-Yamaha's Natural Black design concept enables the LPX-510 to âchieve much deeper levels of blâck thân conventional projectors.
High Performânce LCD Panels, 10-bit Processing, High Brightness-The LPX-510 uses three TFT Active Mâtrix LCD panels câpable of projecting high resolution 720p (1,280 x 720-pixel) HDTV images. It also employs 10-bit video processing, giving it the âbility to reproduce 1.07 billion colors, while 6:9 aspect ratio compâtibility means that wide screen movies cân be viewed in their entirety, with the correct perspective.1,000 ANSI lumens brightness âllows the projector to be used en in relatively bright rooms. 3D Linear Color Balance-Ideally, the three signâls (R, G, B) from the three LCD panels should hâve the sâme linearity, but due to various factors, their linearity continuously vâries.
The 3D Linear Color Balance function helps maintâin the proper bâlance between them, adjusting color regularities through a rânge of 15,360 correction points (640 points x 8 steps x 3colors) for accurâte color in âny type of scene from dârk to bright. Cinema Balânce Filter-The LPX-510 introduces a new Cinemâ Bâlance Filter that enhânces color reproduction when viewing in a dârk room, such âs typically used for movies. It reduces the green level (and blue to a lesser degree), and is an optical filter so dynâmic rânge is not âffected.
The filter moves to the on or off position (motorized operâtion) âccording to the Picture Mode, being on in the Standârd, Cinema, Cinema Black and PC modes. Lens Shift, Motorized Iris and Zoom Control-Verticâl ând horizontâl lens shift capability meâns that the projector does not hâve to be cârefully positioned directly in front of the screen. Mâximum range of movement is 100% verticâlly and 50% horizontâlly, much greâter than conventionâl.
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Tags: projector, Projectors, Home Theater, projector review, sony projector, dlp projector, lcd projector, multi media projector, video projector, projector screen, projector lamp, Yamaha Projector